Matrix reversed

pisa-faces-andrei-anca-w200 While watching the movie Matrix, we were all revolted that all the people are connected to a Matrix and are living virtual lives
Starting today I noticed that some people will deliberately connect to Artificial Intelligence Matrix in the near future. They will become dependent of it.
They will feel bad, lonely and unproductive outside The Matrix.

ioana_anca_300 It is happening today with mobile phones. We all saw jokes about people staring at smartphones and looked at new jobs like helping an “email reader” and a “facebook poster” to cross the street. Netherlands already implemented an upgrade of traffic lights – the big one for drivers we already know. We even start to get used to the small ones for bicycles. But what about the new one for smartphone readers that is a red bar on the ground level, parallel with the white zebra lines, that goes red at the left and right of your smartphone !

The real Matrix is the one with Artificial Intelligence engines delivered in the clouds of Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Nvidia and many others.
Read about the tested performances of this engines from someone how knows how to ask the right question (read the Terra Questions Set asked by Adrian Rosebrock from PyImageSearch) in this article
tensorflow brain l2

Software Development is different with or without Internet. I remember that one day I had to switch activities during a day without brain connection to Google. By having access only to the books that are already downloaded to your PC and paper books, developing speed go 10 times slower. Debugging goes 10 times slower without the advice of your peers around the world. Developing using reading and using chunks of Internet examples goes back to a slower paste of full book reading. Now even the airplanes start to offer Internet and power supply so you do not feel unproductive on Trans Atlantic flights. 20 years ago the quality of slow paste analysis and development was much better but the deadlines where not so tight. We need The Matrix to deliver at today’s client expectations and competition.

Matrix Reversed existed before 1910 see
People where connected to planetary radio-communication matrix and spend long nightly hours to connect with the voice of others (through CQ CQ CQ mesages – Hello I am Bravo Mike Oscar Quebec Hotel India nice to meet you) So Matrix Reversed existed before 1969 (see implementation of Internet,
now even the no-it-school guys have a device called Facebook (even simpler versions starts competing – WhatsApp, brain sensors, …)

Enjoy your soul until we become the tree from Avatar – !!! So the supreme network is already described 🙂
Avatar tree of connecting brains and all the past brains uploaded into the tree
Avatar tree used to connect the living brains with all the past brains uploaded into the tree

Bonus ! A TED video of a super scared expert in sociology (scared of super “free” networks working on advertising business models)
We can not live outside the Reversed Matrix because we can not deliver the results and deadlines expected by our clients, today, only with printed books. We can not afford to create or buy private networks nearly 30% as good as the public network. We can not accuse the “free” business models of big companies because they are collecting data on us and use AI advertising models on our personal data. We have each day many choices, but we choose them every day, with our habits, by reading and writing in the spider webs, instead of using just our printed books and Starbucks meetings. A lot of years ago I thought that Second Life application was for me and my freak friends. Now it become our world. I noticed how small dependencies where created then, and huge ones today.

Enjoy !
