On the Runway of Artificial Narrow Intelligence


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We utilize artificial intelligence almost every day in our routine lives, but very often we just don’t realize that it is artificial intelligence, hence it has become an inseparable part of our lives.
The expression Artificial Intelligence was coined by John McCarthy, in 1956. He also said that ‘the moment it works, nobody will call it AI any longer.’ And because of his phenomenon, artificial intelligence often seems like a mysterious prediction of future more than just a reality. Simultaneously, it makes it seems like a pop model from the history that in no way came to completion.
Weak Artificial intelligence is a kind of artificial intelligence which we use every day and is common place on the globe today. Few example of Weak A.I are Siri found in Apple’s IOS as well as Google Now and Google Search found in Android smart phones.

There are numerous websites which includes build in smart assistants, they are competent enough to answer various questions asked about site or business, and these are the examples of Weak A.I. These are just a simple version of Weak A.I systems. However Weak A.I is capable of doing a lot more than this.

The expression Weak A.I demonstrates artificial intelligence which is build to carry out intelligent data processing within limitations of its programming. Weak A.I is used in various types of applications such as the artificial intelligence used in business is capable of learning the spending pattern of the consumer. This is used to predict at what time of the day the store is going to be busy or vacant. Therefore giving you enough information to schedule the shift timings of the workers accordingly, all based on past trends.

Another example of Weak AI is the expert systems which are capable of being asked absolutely any question and providing answers to the questions as long as the system holds the knowledge of about what is being asked. These systems are also capable of learning new knowledge which are either taught directly by the user or learned from any source of information, for example a document or an article.
Weak A.I is sometimes also referred as Narrow A.I and in few of the cases it is also known as Applied A.I and it has various different applications. Siri is a nice example of Weak or Narrow A.I. The operation of Siri is limited to a range which is pre defined, there is no self awareness, no actual intelligence, no life form regardless of being a sophisticated illustration of Weak A.I.
Weak A.I is an artificial intelligence system which is applicable on specific types of problems such as computer chess and it is not intended to display human like intelligence. With passing time, we are gradually building a collection of Weak AI which is turning more exciting and inspiring. Speech detection and processing gives the ability to the computers to change sound to words in text format with a superior precision.

It is also observed that Google is utilizing A.I to control billions of videos which are on YouTube. Narrow AI is not only improving with its processing atmosphere but it also understands the dissimilarity involving what a person speak and what he want.
So let’s just put a clear picture forward. Primarily, stop assuming of robots. A robot simply is storage for AI, at times mimicking in the form of human, and at times not. Artificial Intelligence in itself is a computer within the robot. Robot is a body and artificial intelligence is its brain. Let’s take for an instance, the data and the software at the back of Siri is Artificial Intelligence, the voice of the women which we listen is mere a personification of that Artificial intelligence, and there isn’t any involvement of robot at all.

Secondly, you might have heard about the term ‘singularity’ or ‘technological singularity’. This phenomenon is used in mathematics to demonstrate an asymptote type of circumstances where general rules no longer apply. These terms are utilized is physics to describe various phenomena like a dense black hole or an infinitely small. Again, conditions where these rules do not imply. Vernor Vinge in 1993 wrote a very famous essay in which he used the term to describe a moment in future where the technological intelligence will exceed our intelligence. And there comes a moment where what we know of life will change and the normal rules will no longer apply. Ray Kurzweil defined singularity as the instance when the Accelerating Returns Law of has touched such a tremendous pace that scientific progress will happen at a seemingly-infinite pace, creating a whole new world.
Finally, now we know that there are various different forms and types of AI, since it is a very wide concept, the categories which are critical that we think about are derived from an Artificial Intelligence caliber. The first category of this caliber that we would be discussing is the Weak Artificial intelligence or Artificial Narrow Intelligence.

At present Artificial Narrow Intelligence is specialized in one region. There’s Artificial Intelligence that is competent enough to easily beat the world chess champion in the game, but certainly that’s the only thing that it can do. Ask it to work out an enhanced way to accumulate data on a hard drive, and it will look towards you with an empty face.

At present, where are we on ANI
Artificial Narrow Intelligence can be termed as machine intelligence which exceeds intelligence of human or efficiency at a particular thing. Let’s look at few examples.
1. Self driving Cars
These days’ cars are entirely equipped with ANI systems, from the automated systems that figure out at what time the anti lock brakes should strike in, in the computer which is responsible for tuning the parameters of the injection system of fuel. Self-driving car by Google, which is under testing now, will comprise of a robust ANI systems that would permit it to react and perceive to the atmosphere around it. See more on this link First self-driving ‘cognitive’ vehicle uses IBM Watson Internet of Things.  See an autopilot car test video here http://videnda.eu/2016/08/23/mercedes-auto-pilot-test-at-130-kmh-see-video-below/

2. Smart Phones
Your Smart phone is a small ANI factory. Navigating by the means of the map app, receiving the tailored music suggestions from Pandora, checking the weather, talking to Siri, or numerous of other activities that we carry out every day with our Smartphone includes ANI. See more on this link Will computers ever truly understand what we’re saying?

3. Spam filter of your Email
Spam filter in your email is a classic example of ANI. It starts off with full of intelligence regarding how to differentiate what is spam and what is not, and further it tailors and learns with its intelligence as it gains experience according to your particular preferences. The Thermostat by Nest carries out same, as it begins to understand your typical routine and take action accordingly. See more on this link Email security improving, but far from perfect

4. Google Translate
Another good example of classis ANI system is the Google Translator, it is remarkably excellent at one narrow task. Another is the voice recognition, and there are plenty of applications that utilize these two ANI’s as team. It gives you an edge to speak a verdict in one language and the same sentence is converted via phone to some other language. Check translation on this link Google Translate

5. ANI in Planes
At the time of landing of the plane, there is no human that takes the charge on which gate it should it go to. Similarly the price of your ticket is not determined by any human. See more on this link Can cockpit automation cause pilots to lose critical thinking skills? Research says yes

6. Games on ANI
The world’s finest Chess, Checkers, Backgammon, Scrabble as well as Othello players are all on ANI systems now. See more on this link A Look at IBM’s Watson 5 Years After Its Breathtaking Jeopardy Debut

7.Google Search
Google search can be regarded as one big ANI brain with extremely sophisticated techniques for making the page ranking and discovering what to display in particular. Same is applicable for Facebook’s Newsfeed. See more on this link Google Search vs Facebook NewsFeed – a marketing supplier opinion

8. ANI in various industries and sectors
Apart from its application in the consumer world, ANI systems are broadly used in various sectors and industries for example finance, military, manufacturing etc. Along with this ANI is also used in various machines used by the doctors for the purpose of diagnoses. See more on this link Artificial intelligence replaces physicists

9.Recommendation for you.
You might have noticed that whatever you search on internet, for example if you are searching any product on eBay or Amazon then you see the same products coming up as ‘recommended for you’ on different websites, or when your Facebook somehow discovers who actually makes sense for you to further add as a friend. This is a network, where different ANI system work together and inform one another about who you are and what are your preferences and in collaboration using that information to conclude what needs to be shown to you. See more on this link AI Is Transforming Google Search. The Rest of the Web Is Next

Much More
Read more on key “artificial intelligence” using the following apps for Android, iPhone or similar

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See a more general AI article on this link

Enjoy !
