The five classes of Artificial Intelligence algorithms

The symbolists focus more on philosophy, logic and psychology and view learning as inverse of deduction.
The connectionists focus on physics and neurosciences and believe in the reverse engineering of the brain.
The evolutionaries, as the name suggests, draw their conclusions on the basis of genetics and evolutionary biology,
whereas the Bayesians focus on statistics and probabilistic inference.
And the analogizers depend on extrapolating the similarity judgements by focusing more on psychology and mathematical optimization.

read more here

book review

secret document link How to use Artificial Intelligence

Facebook 360

secret document link How to use Artificial Intelligence

Facebook added support for 360 degrees images and videos.
I will start to add some here to test the system

See content from inside Facebook on this link Christ the Redeemer

Christ the Redeemer (Portuguese: Cristo Redentor) is an Art Deco statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, created by French sculptor Paul Landowski and built by the Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa, in collaboration with the French engineer Albert Caquot.
Romanian sculptor Gheorghe Leonida fashioned the face.
The statue is 30 metres (98 ft) tall, not including its 8-metre (26 ft) pedestal,
and its arms stretch 28 metres (92 ft) wide
read more here Christ the Redeemer on Wikipedia

360 image view with WordPress (temporarry error – I will start testing another plugin)
[vrview img=”×512.jpg”]
The 360 viewer is WP-VR-view – Photo Sphere and 360 video by Tumanov Alexander
normal photo


Google Drive 360 movie iframe – let’s see how it works

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Kristen Stewart lead a vampire attack against the GPU of Amazon EC2

downloaded from HD Nice Wallpapers
secret document link How to use Artificial Intelligence

No joke ! Artificial Intelligence is here to stay.
Kristen Stewart, as Director of Come Swim, approved the use of Artificial Intelligence in the creation of her new movie.
The released article, signed by Kristen Stewart is incredible “to get us to the needed level of quality … we chose to use GPU instances on Amazon EC2.”
The article is a perfect match for Artificial Intelligence of 2017 and we are glad that a Holywood Super Star
approved the budget for it and then endorse the results.
Read the full story here


“Bringing Impressionism to Life with Neural Style Transfer in Come Swim”

Original technical article (PDF download)

Hollywood has used the concept of artificial intelligence in films for decades. Now, one A-lister is trying to use AI to make art, instead of just inspire it.
Quartz article about this
Forbes article about this

What is inside Artificial Intelligence brain ?

Thees are some images that I took while using Deep Learning with Tensorflow
tensorflow brain l2
while he was trying to learn images, like the ones below.
using a lot of GPU power and tons of iterations (see below the learning process snapshots at various moments in time)

Snapshot of Artificial Intelligence neurons
(activation level for pattern detection). Now I understood why is hard to catch a fly :-). Only the ones with top activation neurons survived
snapshot of neurons

Kristen Stewart Article’s References and GitHub links (Tensorflow projects – super nice list – Enjoy !)
ABADI, M., AND ET AL, A. A. 2016. Tensorflow: Large-scale machine learning on heterogeneous distributed systems. CoRR abs/1603.04467.
ATHALYE, A., 2015. Neural style. commit 4bfb9efb1f0e955922889187727e33185e97d934.
BAHRAMPOUR, S., RAMAKRISHNAN, N., SCHOTT, L., AND SHAH, M. 2015. Comparative study of caffe, neon, theano, and torch for deep learning. CoRR abs/1511.06435.
DUMOULIN, V., SHLENS, J., AND KUDLUR, M. 2016. A learned representation for artistic style. CoRR abs/1610.07629.
GATYS, L. A., ECKER, A. S., AND BETHGE, M. 2015. A neural algorithm of artistic style. CoRR abs/1508.06576.
JIA, Y., SHELHAMER, E., DONAHUE, J., KARAYEV, S., LONG, J., GIRSHICK, R., GUADARRAMA, S., AND DARRELL, T.2014. Caffe: Convolutional architecture for fast feature embedding. arXiv preprint arXiv:1408.5093.
JOHNSON, J., 2015. neural-style.
LI, Y., WANG, N., LIU, J., AND HOU, X. 2017. Demystifying Neural Style Transfer. ArXiv e-prints (Jan.).
LIU, F., 2016. style-transfer.
RUDER, M., DOSOVITSKIY, A., AND BROX, T. 2016. Artistic Style Transfer for Videos. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 26–36.
SIMONYAN, K., AND ZISSERMAN, A. 2014. Very deep convolutional networks for large-scale image recognition. CoRR abs/1409.1556.
SZEGEDY, C., LIU, W., JIA, Y., SERMANET, P., REED, S.,ANGUELOV, D., ERHAN, D., VANHOUCKE, V., AND RABINOVICH,A. 2015. Going deeper with convolutions. In 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 1–9.
ULYANOV, D., LEBEDEV, V., VEDALDI, A., AND LEMPITSKY, V. 2016. Texture networks: Feed-forward synthesis of textures and stylized images. In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML).

The Gost of Montepulciano

This picture was made using Artficial Intelligence by Google Photo Assistant while I was visiting this city

Artificial Intelligence identified an interesting picture on an old HD. More to come. (hint Donald J. Trump)

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FIA Formula E, Enel electric car is ready for Buenos Aires, Argentina


Enel has teamed up with the FIA Formula E Championship – the world’s first fully-electric racing series – after announcing an agreement to become the championship’s Official Power Partner. The announcement was made at an event held today at the MAXXI Contemporary Art and Architecture museum in Rome.
See video of the car here

Formula E is partnering with global energy leader Enel to promote the advancement of the championship’s power technology infrastructure.

Formula E CEO Alejandro Agag said: “We are delighted to welcome Enel as the Official Power Partner of Formula E. The solutions that they will put in place to allow all of our events to be carbon neutral reinforces our belief that business, sport and entertainment can be run in a fully sustainable way. This is a very exciting new venture and I look forward to witnessing the developments in sustainable power delivery that comes as a result of this partnership.”

Francesco Starace, CEO and General Manager of the Enel Group, said: “We are delighted to be partnering with the Formula E team to lend our expertise in accelerating the digitisation of their energy management infrastructure and powering them through our renewable energy generation technologies. Enel and Formula E are natural partners, as we both embrace the exciting opportunities in electric mobility, smart cities and the clean energy revolution. We are now joining forces to continue with our pioneering work in the field of technological innovation for the vehicles of the future.”

Enel will work with Formula E to optimise its clean energy generation, distribution and management, showcasing its advanced energy solutions. The partnership gets the green light at the upcoming Berlin ePrix, which takes place on May 21st, and will run through the following two seasons, with the possibility to extend the agreement beyond the 2017/18 season.

Read the whole article here
FIA Article on

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Apple Watch Science & Technology app for iPhone, Android and Windows 10 (smartphone, laptop, desktop and hub)

#AppleWatch my Videnda science & technology news app just received a sweet review on @Appszoom !
Check it out: AppsZoom link

And another one at WatchAware. Hope it will work well on #iPhone8 and #AppleWatch3. Read it here WatchAware Article

Apple Watch photos
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full width Simulator Screen Shot Dec 13, 2016, 12.10.26 AM

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360 Christmas Tree in Piazza San Pietro, Rome, Italy

This is a 360 degrees movie and photo collection

See a summary of all 360 degrees movies from these locations
Piazza di Spagna, Rome, Italy
Piazza san Pietro with Christmas Tree, Rome, Italy
Castel_Sant’Angelo, Rome, Italy
Piazza_Navona, Rome, Italy

Start with Piazza di Spagna and subscribe for more. All 16 movies are available on mobile apps here (search for Bonus Links in the User Manual 😉 )

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Piazza di Spagna

The Fountain in Piazza San Pietro

Piazza di Spagna, Rome, Italy
Piazza san Pietro with Christmas Tree, Rome, Italy
Castel_Sant’Angelo, Rome, Italy
Piazza_Navona, Rome, Italy
All 16 movies are available on mobile apps (search for Bonus Links in the User Manual 😉 )
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Wide photo in Piazza San Pietro (click on picture for full size 28Mb)

Enjoy !