Test of adding images to WordPress – test different sizes and sources
(Come back later for the story behind these pictures)
Original photos added with WordPress {Add Media} and {Upload files} default size 300×199
and a second picture
Test Google Photos plugin – add URL direct into text
end of Google Photos Url test (google ads a description and a link under the photo)
Pinterest test
end of Pinterest test (Pinterest adds a lot of gadgets around the photo)
Instagram test
End of Instagram test (a lot of gadgets and scripts added by Instagram 🙁 )
Add large size photos from Worpress (change ATTACHMENT DISPLAY SETTINGS before inserting into post)
and full size
embeded Instagram Video (2 VS girls at work – Yes Victoria Secret opened 2 shops in Las Vegas at Caesar Palace (go to Forum Shops) and Planet Hollywood (go to Miracle Mile Shops))
Unsucessful attempts
Google photos using {add media} using URL (have no preview)
“New York New York” Hotel
WordPress {add image} do not work with Google Photos
test comment with picture