Why we “Major on minor things” ?

Why we “Major on minor things” (Jim Rohn)?

Jim Fannin told us this story, that we use to put first the water in the jar, than we take the some water out to put the sand, than we take water and sand out to put the pebbles and than we work to take the some water and sand and pebbles out to put a golf ball. Most of us stop, exhausted, somewhere during this process. Few of us start filling our life jar in the right order. He asked us to do this experiment every night in the 10 minutes before sleep (it is replayed by subconscious 30 times more often than the rest of the day events). The experiment will have strong impact on your brain and life, with big surprises like the order of the golf balls from the first day and from day 30, or day 300, because you will never want to break the habit. Good luck !

Parts of Jim Fannin keynote speech at PGA Worldwide Golf Exhibitions Las Vegas is here. Enjoy ! (I am in the movie at minute 59:12 :-))

Advanced technical info:
– If at the end of some day you are not satisfied with the results or with yesterday results, just ask yourself. When did I last time do this exercises described in this article ? Notice the number of days you forget to fight to create a good habit in your life. Steven Pressfield calls this “The years that I do not remember”. And start doing them again, and again.
– Habits needs 20-30 days to appear or to get cleared by other habits. If you want to know why, look at a path that was created through grass by a lot of people walking a lot of days and month through. This is how your brain works (There is no strait line through brain, also 🙂 )
– If at the end of some day you wonder why everything was so productive without the exercise look at that day. You where full steam, full day into creating for your endeavors. Congratulations !
– I forgot to give you the answer to the question in the title : Priorities. Your subconscious has his own priorities. Some are from the DNA, some are from your social interactions that he gathered throughout your whole life in order to help you survive. It is now your time to design your life. Give him the things that you want on a daily basis. He will learn them and help you back. He is a good student, just give him the best teachers in the world, everyday, not only on New Year Eve, or he will believe that you changed your mind and telenovelas are the most important thing to drive your ship to. He is taking care of you to breathe and other tons of things, do not think that only you, the captain, are driving your life.
– Very advanced technical info: Every time you replace your major priorities with urgent or low importance things he will push tons of other important things on the stack, like 10 or 20. Remember that you had to switch to urgent, do the urgent fast, on deadline, and go back to major things not the stack. Example Andre Agassi switched from number 1 to 141 and then back to 1. While he was down, in an instant, 140 players where better than him and this will happen in your brain the second you switch to low long time priority things. Subconscious will push another 100 more priority tasks on you and you will have to come back to the surface of the water and breath again. Use alarm clocks or other means to wake you up. Some people use pictures on the walls but the brain get used with alarms and pictures and learn to ignore them. Use a long play list of videos like I embed into this article to get you on the track. Normal TV and Movies will not help see details here

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